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The Hospice Hub is excited to be the recipient of the January 1, 2025 Perth Polar Bear Plunge.

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Raising $40,000 for Hospice Care

Our donation goal with 20/20 VISION is to inspire at least 100 plungers to rally a minimum of 20 supporters to donate $20 each.

plunger profiles



Alfred Von Mirbach is dying to plunge for The Hospice Hub.

Alfred has been actively involved with well over ten previous plunges, and is the lead organizer for this year’s Plunge for Hospice. Alfred is also an active supporter with The Hospice Hub, and trained with the first cohort of the 7 week Volunteer Training Program this spring.

Alfred's journey with palliative care started with his parents, where he played a very active, if untrained, role in helping them navigate their end of life experiences with as much grace and dignity as circumstances allowed. When he saw something formal start to emerge in this area, he was "all in". He'll be leaning on friends and family to support this incredibly worthy cause, and hopes to raise over $2,000.

Just imagine - a day hospice and then a hospice residence in this area. Isn't that worth a few seconds of cold?


about the plunge

This is the 31st year of the Perth Polar Bear Plunge, one of the greatest and safest polar bear plunges in Canada. It’s held at the Royal Canadian Legion Branch 244, Perth, by the Tay River on New Year’s Day. Each year, a different community group is chosen as the recipient, and their volunteers work tirelessly to ensure a great event. To date, over $415,000 has been raised.

The man who has been with it from the start, and keeps it going, is Dave Lavery. Thank you, Dave!

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L-R: Pat Doyle, John Heatherington, Alfred Von Mirbach, Lynne Underhill. Pat died in 2010, John in 2021. Alfred and Lynne are plunging this year.

plunge agenda

8:00 - 9:30
registration, breakfast *
* $15, free for plungers
safety briefing
the plunge (in groups of 4)
wrap up
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